Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Seven Months
Hanging with big sister
Goodbye warm, hello cold
I have not blogged much lately, we have been in the travel mode and are now in the cold state of MN (For all you football fans, Go Vikings!). We really debated this year whether to return for the holidays. I feel as if we are in a bubble in HI, protected from all this yucky flu that has been creating havoc for all. I started an autoimmune booster and hand washing regimen with the family a few weeks ago, and I even tried to have Sophie and Sylas wear a mask on the plane. That was not exactly successful (the mask). So far no one is sick, except Sylas who was sick two weeks prior to us leaving. He still has a pesky congested cough, but no pneumonia.
Have I adjusted to the freezing cold? NO. It took me 3 days to leave the house.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Visit from Grandma
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
When the day begins, it is always filled with activity of my children. I am thankful for the opportunity to experience childhood again, although not personally but by observing daily three children grow. Their wisdom and outlook on life is unclouded and has a clarity that is sometimes difficult for their mature(ha, ha) mother to immediately see. Thank you Sam, Sophie, and Sylas for pointing me in the right direction!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
New friends!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 2009 (belated)

Getting the pumpkin. I'll take the cute pumpkin with orange stripes! This is the same farm we went to last year. It is located on the side of a hill overlooking the ocean. We are quite high up and the temperature is cooler here. As we looked down on the spectacular view, we saw goats grazing and the farm's strawberry patch. Beautiful!
Happy Halloween!
Sam and Sophie marched in a Keiki Parade (kid's parade) on Saturday. After the parade we noticed a Halloween rainbow crossing the sky. There must be a bag of Halloween candy at the end of it!
Trick or treating with a human "bush". The bush was actually the father of Sam's friend! Way to have Halloween spirit! Check out Sam's hamburger. "Cool Cat" carries a hamburger around, so I found this rubber dog toy hamburger at the pet store. I could not believe how thrilled I was to find it.
The fun-filled day unfortunately ended on a sad note. Sophie's hand was slammed in the car door by who else but her guilt-ridden mother. So, so, so sad, but all fingers were intact. Whew! I don't like even thinking about it.
I hope everyone had a safe Halloween, I have enjoyed all of your Halloween pictures!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Books and Toys!
Woodbine House is a publisher specializing in books about children with special needs. My Hawaii friend Debbie of, reminded me that in honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Woodbine House is taking 20% off the Down syndrome titles during the month of October. Here is the link to their website: . I am really excited about the "Kids Like Me..Learn ABCs" board book...hmmm perhaps Sylas will be getting some books for Christmas!
Speaking of gift giving, Toys R Us just released it's annual Toy Guide for Differently Abled Kids. The guide matches specific skill sets with a wide range of everyday toys. The toys are divided up into different sections for example: Fine motor, gross motor, tactile, social skills, language, etc. You may want to check it out:


This month, many communities are having "Buddy Walks" that involve building a team for your child, finding sponsors, and then walking on the day of the event. The Buddy Walk was created in 1995 to promote acceptance and inclusion of those with D.S. It not only raises awareness and financial support for DS programs, but it also is a day that brings together many old and new friends. Unfortunately, there are not any Buddy Walks scheduled for Hawaii. Sylas is my inspiration to be involved with planning a Buddy Walk here for next year....I will keep you posted!