As you all know, Sylas was blessed with enough hair to share. Today on two separate occasions, I heard "Ooohhh, SHE is so cute!". Of course, I thought they were directing the compliment at me, but then reality set in hard and I realized they thought Sylas was a girl! Thank goodness Sam did not hear this, as he surely would have set them straight. Now Sylas was not even dressed in green, but a very boyish brown surfboard onsie. We determined it must be his long locks. Although I had previously thrown around the idea of cutting his hair, I just had not been able to do it. He was just a BABY, with baby hair, no need to cut baby hair! But I guess today would be the day. I put him on a towel, found the scissors and comb, took the "before" picture (see above), and then slowly started to trim. At least he was still smiling after....
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog. If you feel inclined to comment on a post, just click on the "comment" link at the bottom of the post. I would love to hear from you! If you are new to my blog, check out the archived blog posts listed in the left column.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Flying by at Five months
You may be wondering what Sylas is up to these days. Well, let me tell you!
*He is smiling, laughing(I hope you saw my post on that), not just hee, hee laughing, but outright "I can't breath!" laughing.
*He seems to be taking in everything around him. He loves to listen to books, sister/brother talking to him, music, ect. He is amused by Sam/Sophie dance parties and when the dog licks his face (gross, I know). He is tolerable of going in the pool and always sleeps well after.
*His neck and trunk strength is making huge gains lately. When he holds up his head in sitting, he usually has a big smile on his face because he can see things from a different perspective and must like it. The picture is of Sylas in his stroller, I just recently changed it from the fully reclined position. Not a newborn anymore!
*He is still rolling over occasionally, but in the past few days he has been initiating it more on his own. He tries to propel himself forward when he is on his stomach by lifting up his bottom, but that heavy head just gets in the way!
*He is a LOUD talker! Every morning at 5am he wakes me up with his very loud "oohing, gooing, and ahhooing". I try to ignore it, but seriously, it is too disruptive to sleep through. Nursing him of course quiets him, but I do believe that is considered positive reinforcement. :)
Hmmm..I wonder what I will be posting for month 6?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Laugh With Me!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Shots and Smiles
Yesterday, we volunteered to help with it's Spay/Neuter day. Everyone got up early and headed to the meeting spot. Sam and Sophie helped us load 20 cats from various owners into our van, then Brett made the hour trip up to the cat sanctuary. They were fixed, and following recovery they were reloaded and Brett drove them back. Let me tell you, this was quite the experience for Brett. About 400 cats (both feral and household pets) will be spay/neutered over 3-4 days. A generous vet donated his time, resulting in a huge impact on the island's crazy cat population!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
School Days!
I should have posted this a LONG time ago, considering the kids started school mid-August. Things have been really busy, I know everyone is busy too, but goodness I really need to find more hours in the day. I need time to do blogging of course!!
The first day of school was a success. Sophie off to kindergarten and Sam to 2nd grade. Sophie pretty much pushed her way out of the car past Sam.
Sorry about the last post with my Smilebox slideshow. It takes forever to upload, I guess I won't be doing that again. I would still encourage you to try out the website, but use the email option.
Sam is 8!
The years go by so quickly, my first baby is now 8 years old. He was born 9/12/2001, the day after the traumatic event of 9/11. I will always remember the joy that we felt waking up that warm sunny morning of 9/11, so excited that this might finally be the day that we would be blessed with a baby. I had an appointment at the clinic to have my cervix "gelled" by my nurse midwife. I was overdue and anxious to get this huge baby out of me! She came into the treatment room and asked us if we had heard the terrible news. She then told us. We were of course shocked and after we left the clinic we had no idea what to do or feel. Many conflicting emotions. Souls leaving this world, a new one arriving.
As the day progressed, my labor did too. I checked into the hospital late afternoon and they broke my water. I was a bit worried about delivering on 9/11, so I tried to hold off until after midnight (I had absolutely no control over it, but I like to think that I did!). Sam arrived at 1:36am on Sept 12th. He was healthy and adorable. I remember one of his tiny ears being folded over. I also remember getting him dressed to go home, and I was hesitant to put him in his "going home" outfit. Prior to Sam's birth, we did not know what sex he was, so I had bought both a pink and blue outfit. The blue outfit had 4 little airplanes embroidered on the front of it. We had the TV on while we were gathering everything for the car ride home. Obviously all of the channels were showing nonstop footage from 9/11. I pulled out the blue outfit and noticed the airplanes...hmmm...airplanes. I was hoping not to appear insensitive, but it was the only outfit I had brought for him (other than the pink, of course). I put it on Sam and the hospital took a picture of him in it. Every time that I look at that picture I remember all of those who died that tragic day, and just what a blessing Sam is.
As the day progressed, my labor did too. I checked into the hospital late afternoon and they broke my water. I was a bit worried about delivering on 9/11, so I tried to hold off until after midnight (I had absolutely no control over it, but I like to think that I did!). Sam arrived at 1:36am on Sept 12th. He was healthy and adorable. I remember one of his tiny ears being folded over. I also remember getting him dressed to go home, and I was hesitant to put him in his "going home" outfit. Prior to Sam's birth, we did not know what sex he was, so I had bought both a pink and blue outfit. The blue outfit had 4 little airplanes embroidered on the front of it. We had the TV on while we were gathering everything for the car ride home. Obviously all of the channels were showing nonstop footage from 9/11. I pulled out the blue outfit and noticed the airplanes...hmmm...airplanes. I was hoping not to appear insensitive, but it was the only outfit I had brought for him (other than the pink, of course). I put it on Sam and the hospital took a picture of him in it. Every time that I look at that picture I remember all of those who died that tragic day, and just what a blessing Sam is.
**Notice that Sam is attempting the "shaka" "hang loose" with his right hand. He must have known where we would end up.
I recently found this fun website called Smilebox, you can make slideshows, photocards, tons of stuff with your downloaded photos. I put a few pictures from our bday celebration together in a slideshow. We were so busy that day that we did not take too many pictures, but it was a great (exhausting) day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wordless Wednesday?
On Wednesdays, some of the blogs that I follow post only pictures and call it "Wordless Wednesday". Well, I have a hard time not using my words as you probably know, so I just have to add a few. Sylas was in the pool for the first time since we returned from Minnesota. He was a little unsure about it. Just enjoy the other picture, no words to add.
Gain of strength...loss of hair

Last week, Sylas had his first physical therapy visit, and today his therapist returned but this time a big red ball accompanied her. Sylas has low muscle tone, which is called hypotonia, in many areas of his body. I like to think of his muscles "hanging loose". To improve the tone in his neck and trunk muscles, his therapist showed me how to stabilize Sylas on the theraball (the big red one!) and encourage him to lift his head. This not only activates those loosy goosy neck extensor muscles but also stimulates trunk control. Sylas needs strong trunk musculature in order to do just about anything, including his next developmental milestones such as rolling and sitting.
Oh, the other picture is Sylas wearing one of his "Minnesota" onsies, Go Gophers! Coincidentally, this onsie was part of a set of three that my friend Kris from P.T. school gave to Sylas. Thanks to Kris, MN is well represented in his wardrobe!
In the title of this post I have.....loss of hair. Well, that refers to handfuls of hair that are falling out of my head (obviously Sylas is not able to relate:)). Thank goodness I have lots of hair, otherwise I would likely be bald. No worries, I am not pulling it out, it is just due to post-preg hormones. I will survive.
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