Great news!! Sylas had his appointment today with the cardiologist for an echocardiogram and EKG. The doctor spent about 30 minutes looking closely at Sylas's heart and not saying much. I wanted to blurt out a bunch of questions, but I remained quiet and patient. Then he said, "Well, it appears tissue has grown over the opening of the VSD." I was completely surprised considering I was originally told that the VSD may need surgery or it may take a year to close on it's own. Wow!
Sylas also has a small ASD or PFO which are both openings in the wall between the two upper chambers (atrium) of the heart. This has decreased in size and the doctor is not concerned about it.
The pulmonary hypertension appears to have nearly normalized. Hurray!
Do we have a green light to travel to MN............YES!! We can wean Sylas off oxygen and follow up in 6 months. It was a great day!
Thank you for your prayers and encouraging comments, Sylas has come a long way in only 3 1/2 weeks.