Aloha, it has been WAY too long since I posted. Sylas will be one year old in less than a month, so I have some catching up to do! As we settle into our community more and more everyday, I find that I am not very good at juggling 3 kids, a dog, and a blog. Since Christmas, Sylas has experienced his first tsunami warning (we are up high enough, so no evacuation for us), first croup virus with a visit to the ER, and first tiny plane (8-seater) ride with major turbulence. He of course had no clue about the tsunami, had a hard time with the croup, and slept through the plane ride(despite his hysterical mom screaming every time the plane dropped!...Sam was amused). Note to everyone....make sure you know what kind/size of plane you are booking your tickets on.
Sylas has been hard at work perfecting his sitting technique. Although he is not crawling yet, he can sit nonstop for long periods. However, when he has decided he is tired of sitting, sometimes he just topples over which is not too good for the noggin. I usually put pillows around him just in case. He likes to stand up with assistance, and pivot around on his belly, oh...and of course, roll ALL OVER. He is a rolling machine.
The picture above is Sylas in Kona. Our good friends, the Dorenbushs came to visit us and we decided to journey, with 5 kids in tow, to the Big Island of Hawaii. Our intention was to visit the active volcano, but we soon discovered that staying at the hotel was enough "vacation" for us. We will return when the kids are older and have an appreciation of why their parents are making them walk near dangerous hot molten lava.